Senin, 25 Juni 2012


Lance gouging memiliki nama lain yaitu exothermic cutting. Exothermic cutting adalah proses pemotongan material menggunakan thermal lance. 

Thermal Lance, thermic lance, oxygen lance atau burning bar adalah besi panjang berbentuk tube dengan alloy wire didalamnya, ada juga yang dicampur dengan aluminium atau magnesium untuk meningkatkan output panas. Rod ditempatkan dalam holder yang tersambung dengan supply oksigen bertekanan.

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012


By David Pryor
September/October 2008
Oxy-fuel welding can be safe if common safety procedures and equipment are employed. 

Welding has been done virtually every day for years in a variety of settings. Despite this wealth of experience, one cannot take safety for granted but must constantly keep safety in mind—and that goes for the oxy-fuel process also. Numerous safety issues are taken into consideration during the design and manufacturing of today’s oxy-fuel equipment, but it is also the responsibility of the end user to employ proper practices to prevent accidents and injury. Considerations from engineers, manufacturers and marketers of these products, along with the proper awareness from end-users can help make oxy-fuel welding and cutting an even safer profession.